Parent Info
Summer Camps FAQs
Registration opens on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 8 a.m. MST, so there's no need to wake up extra early.
1. If you don't have an Active Living account, create one in advance (per child). Make sure you can login to your account and all contact information for you and your child(ren) is correct. If you are having issues or need to make changes to your contact information on your account, contact Client Services: 403.220.7749
2. Browse the summer camp offerings in advance, before registration day so that you know which camp you want to enrol your child(ren) in.
3. As you browse, be sure to note the start times for each camp, as they can vary.
We’ve optimized our registration system to reduce server load, ensuring a faster and more reliable experience. While these changes may not be immediately noticeable, they’ll make the process much smoother. To further manage the increased demand at 8 a.m., we’re introducing a queue-based system, which will help prevent server overload and ensure a smoother registration process.
When the queue opens on Saturday, February 1, at 8 a.m. MST everyone will be assigned a random position, ahead of anyone who joins after that time. At first, the queue will move slowly to ensure a smooth experience for all users. Once everything is confirmed to be running smoothly, the University of Calgary team will gradually decrease queue waiting times.
Please note that estimated wait times may fluctuate after the queue opens.
To secure your spot in the queue, simply keep the queue page open on your screen at the opening time. There’s no need to refresh the page.
If you join the queue anytime before 8 a.m., your spot will be assigned randomly. This lottery-style system means there’s no advantage to joining the queue earlier than others.
To register for a UCalgary summer camp, visit the Active Living homepage or any Summer Camp page and click "Register for Summer Camps" (at the top) to enter the queue on Saturday, February 1 at 8a.m. If you're viewing a specific camp, you can also click "View Offerings" to proceed.
Once in the queue, you’ll see an estimated wait time. To secure your spot in the queue, simply keep the queue page open on your screen at the opening time. There’s no need to refresh the page.
No, when it's your turn to register (after the queue), you can browse for camps without being placed back into the queue as long as you're using the same browser and same device. However, we highly recommend browsing camp options ahead of time so you’re ready to secure your spot as soon as registration opens.
More than 10,000 campers attend UCalgary Summer Camps annually. We have different camp start times to minimize traffic jams and help you get your child dropped off and picked up as quickly as possible.
This will make scheduling multiple programs and coordinating check-in/check-out much easier. If you’re registering multiple kids for the same week, aim to select camps with matching start times for added convenience.
If the camp you are interested in is full, click "join notify list".
Often we can't open more spots because of space, staffing, and/or equipment needs, but occasionally, more spaces or sessions are added. So, join the notify list but don't count on getting a spot. We suggest also registering for an alternative camp.
No, adding a camp to your cart does not secure your spot. Your registration is only confirmed once payment is successfully submitted.
If you register online, you'll receive an email confirmation. You can also verify your registration by logging into your account, clicking your name in the top right corner, and select 'My Enrolments.'
No, check in and check out for most camps is done curb-side. Where to go will be sent to you via email with a Google Maps pin. Consider downloading the Google Maps app beforehand.
Some camps require checking in inside a building. If this is the case for you, a printable parking pass will be included in your registration confirmation email.
Sign the photo/video release on your account. Then join the Facebook Group and follow @ucalgaryactivekids on Instagram.
Summer Camp dress up days
July 4 – Stampede Day
July 11 – Sports Day
July 18 – Pyjama Day
July 25 – Halloween Day
August 1 – Beach Vacation Day
August 8 – Animal Day
August 15 – Favourite Colour Day
August 22 – Crazy Hat & Hair Day