Exercise Oncology header

Exercise Oncology Maintenance

The Exercise Oncology Maintenance classes are for any individual diagnosed with cancer that has previously participated in any of the Health and Wellness Lab research programs (including ACE, ACE-Neuro, and EXCEL). If you were diagnosed with cancer but have not yet taken part in any of our programs please email ace@ucalgary.ca or check out our website.

Exercise Maintenance Registration

Exercise Class

ACE Maintenance

This is a 12 week group class for individuals living with cancer and beyond that have completed the initial ACE group class. This class is meant to be a graduation class from the initial ACE group class, building on participant’s knowledge of exercise, in a safe environment, to further improve upon initial fitness gains.

Trio ACE

EXCEL Maintenance

This is a 12 week group class for individuals living with cancer and beyond that have completed the initial EXCEL group class. This class is meant to be a graduation class from the initial EXCEL group class, building on participant’s knowledge of exercise, in a safe environment, to further improve upon initial fitness gains.

ACE Neuro

ACE-Neuro Maintenance

This is a 6 week group class for individuals living with or beyond cancer that have completed the initial ACE-Neuro study. This class is meant to be a graduation class from the initial ACE-Neuro class, building on participant’s knowledge of exercise, in a safe environment, to further improve upon initial fitness gains.


Yoga Maintenance Registration

This is a 12 week group yoga class for young adults affected by cancer, and have completed the initial YYA class.

This class is meant to be a graduation class from the initial YYA class, building on participants’ knowledge of yoga, in a safe environment, to further improve their initial physical and psychological gains.

It is a prerequisite that you have participated in the initial YYA study in order to register for the maintenance yoga classes. If you are a young adult who was diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 18-39, and are interested to learn more about the Yoga for Young Adults Affected by Cancer Study, please email the study team.