Intermediate First Aid and CPR/AED – Level C
The Canadian Red Cross First Aid and CPR programs provide lifesaving first aid skills and knowledge. This comprehensive two-day course offers first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for those who need training due to work requirements or who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies at home. This course meets the legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines.
View offerings for Intermediate First Aid and CPR/AED - Level C
CPR/AED – Level C
The Canadian Red Cross CPR courses provide lifesaving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills and knowledge. This course offers the skills needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies and choking for adults, children, and babies. This course meets the legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards, and include the latest CPR guidelines and training in the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).
RECERTIFICATION – Intermediate First Aid and CPR/AED – Level C
The Canadian Red Cross First Aid and CPR programs provide lifesaving first aid skills and knowledge. This comprehensive one-day course offers a refresher on first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for those who need to recertify their training due to work requirements or who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies at home. This course meets the legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines.
View offerings for RECERTIFICATION - Red Cross Intermediate First Aid and CPR/AED - Level C
The Canadian Red Cross CPR courses provide lifesaving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills and knowledge. This course offers a refresher on the skills needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies and choking for adults, children, and babies. This course meets the legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards, and include the latest CPR guidelines and training in the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).
View offerings for RECERTIFICATION - Red Cross CPR/AED - Level C
First Aid and CPR Courses (Blended)
Blended Intermediate First Aid and CPR/AED – Level C
The Canadian Red Cross First Aid and CPR programs provide lifesaving first aid skills and knowledge. This blended learning course offers first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for those who need training due to work requirements or who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies at home. Blended learning is a combination of in-class and interactive online instruction. This course meets the legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines.
View offerings for Blended Intermediate First Aid and CPR/AED – Level C
Blended Advanced First Aid and CPR - BLS
This technical course is a comprehensive, professional-level training program for those who require advanced workplace first aid certification and do not require a wilderness component.
This course requires a high level of commitment, and includes self-study and homework assignments. The course is delivered over five days of instructional time combined with a significant online learning portion.
Certification is through the Outdoor Centre and Rocky Mountain Aventure Medicine.
View offerings for Advanced First Aid with the Outdoor Centre
First Aid Instructor courses
First Aid and CPR Instructor
First Aid & CPR Instructors support the Red Cross First Aid Program through the delivery of First Aid and CPR courses. Candidates enter the Canadian Red Cross’ comprehensive Instructor Development Program, designed to prepare them to support dynamic, learner-centred classroom environments.
Recertification - Red Cross First Aid Instructor
This recertification course allows Red Cross First Aid Instructors to refresh their instructional skills.
And is currently available 100% virtually
View current offerings for Recertification - Red Cross First Aid Instructor
Youth First Aid
Babysitting Course
This course offers basic first aid and caregiving skills for youth 11-15 years old. Participants learn how to provide care to children in a variety of age groups, and how to prevent and respond to emergencies. The course also offers youth the skills to promote themselves as babysitters to prospective families.
Stay Safe!
The Stay Safe! program teaches applicable and age-appropriate skills for youth 9-13 years old, while increasing and reinforcing a youth’s capacity to improve his or her own safety. Whether in their community or on their own, this group will be given better tools to Stay Safe! in a variety of different situations.
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